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Study internationally

It doesn't always have to be a year abroad!

Going abroad with FH SWF

New language skills, international friendships and exciting experiences - going abroad broadens your horizon and offers great opportunities for personal development. Nowadays, stays abroad and foreign language skills are practically a must on your CV. The chances of a successful career increase significantly if you can demonstrate this to a potential employer. This fact alone shows how valuable international experience can be to your studies.

We support your plans

There is a lot to organise before going abroad. For many people, this can be daunting. You are also going to a foreign country where you may not speak the language, and you may not have family or friends there. Stepping into an uncertain future is a big challenge for many people, with understandable worries and fears. However, you can organise a lot in advance and gradually build a new life in your future home. In our regular online events, we will show you how to do this. The dates can be found in the blue box on the right.

Why should I go abroad?

Living abroad for a longer period of time changes your perspective on foreign cultures, countries and people. You will not only benefit from learning a foreign language, but you will also discover new ways of living, become more independent and confident, and make new friends. It is not only beneficial for your personal development, but also for your job prospects. For most companies, a stay abroad and foreign language skills are a plus.

International Studieren

Where can I go?

Generally speaking, you can travel to almost any country. Please note that some funding programmes, such as ERASMUS+, only support studies abroad within the EU. Summer schools are mainly offered in English-speaking countries such as the US or England. Meanwhile, more exotic destinations such as Costa Rica, Mexico or Thailand are also in demand as potential study destinations. List of our partner universities

How much does a stay abroad cost?

It is often thought that a stay abroad is too expensive. This is generally not true. There are many funding opportunities and scholarships that enable you to study abroad without high costs. You can also find out more about this in our online events.

Deal with formalities as early as possible

It is important that you do not underestimate the administrative part. Especially the question of financing should be answered early on. Besides the standard costs of living, which are much higher in some countries than in Germany, you also need to think about insurance, accommodation, potential trips home and many other things in advance. Of course, there is a wide range of support available. These include, for example, study abroad grants, scholarships or special loans. Each university has people who are familiar with this. Student advisors, lecturers who coordinate contacts abroad and fellow students who have already been abroad. Experience has shown that it is advisable to start with the organisation a year in advance. Our online events provide important tips on how to do this.

What opportunities do I have to study abroad during my course of studies?

South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences will help you to find the right programme for you to study abroad. Not everyone prefers to study abroad, but would rather spend a practical semester or internship in the country of their choice. We offer exchange programmes, internships, double degrees and English-language degree courses: You have many choices for your ideal path abroad.

Semester abroad

You have two options if you would like to study at a university abroad for one or two semesters: either you look for a university yourself in a country where you would like to study, or you take advantage of the opportunity to study at one of our partner universities. If you choose a university yourself, you will be responsible for most of the organisation of your stay there. However, there are also institutions that will help you with your search and application. This applies in particular to popular destinations such as the US, Australia, New Zealand or Great Britain. Links to these institutions can be found on the right. If you would like to study at a partner university, we at the International Office will support you with many aspects of the organisation. Regardless of which option you choose; you can always apply for a scholarship to financially support your stay.

Practical semester or internship abroad

If you decide to complete a practical semester or internship abroad, you will have to find a suitable position yourself. There are various internet portals that can help you with your search. You should also address your faculty's contact point, where internship offers are often posted on the notice board or talk to the staff there. You can also ask lecturers about company contacts abroad or ask older fellow students. The International Office's information events are also a good opportunity to find out about scholarship programmes for which you can apply to receive financial support for your stay.

Summer and Winter Schools

Summer/winter schools are a good option for those who don't want to spend a whole semester abroad. They offer you the chance to gain international experience and make international contacts in a short and intensive period of time. In general, summer/winter schools are designed as intensive programmes lasting one or more weeks (max. six weeks).

For subject-specific programmes, it is possible to earn credits while attending the summer/winter school. Our partner universities also offer summer or winter schools:

Tecnológico de Monterrey: Winter School mdhk, Tec de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro (Mexico)

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences: Xamk Summer School of Gaming

Université de Bordeaux: Summer Schools

Here you can find further offers for such programmes: Database Summer & Winter Schools


Excursions offer cultural insights and impart subject-related knowledge. Moreover, they connect students and scientists from all over the world. Funding for excursions (up to 12 days) is provided in the form of flat-rate subsistence allowances for students of South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences and a maximum of one accompanying person (lecturer/professor).

The application for the excursion is carried out by the lecturers. The application must be submitted at least 8 weeks before the start of the trip. Please contact the International Office for further information.

Final theses

Many students at our university have already written their Bachelor's or Master's thesis during a semester or internship abroad. You should first discuss such a project with the supervising person.

Funding opportunities at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

Please select a programme

We support you with the organisation of your stay abroad

Please select a programme to see the relevant information. Once you have gathered some initial ideas, we recommend attending one of our Info events

Other funding opportunities not supported by South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences can be found below this paragraph.


Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is the EU's programme for education, training, youth and sport. More than four million young people and 125,000 institutions and organisations will benefit from €26.2 billion until 2027. Funding is available for study visits to partner universities and/or placements lasting at least two months (60 days).

Students can receive an Erasmus+ grant for up to 12 months per study stage (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate). The Erasmus+ grant is a partial grant, the amount of which depends on the country of destination. A distinction is made between programme countries and partner countries.

Member States of the European Union (EU)
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

Programme countries outside the EU
Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey

Up to €300 per month, the Erasmus+ grant will not be deducted from your BAföG abroad. Students can also apply for additional special funding.

ERASMUS+ study

Amount of the funding

Group 1 (600 euros per month):
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden

Group 2 (540 euros per month):
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

Group 3 (490 euros per month):
Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

Application for an exchange place

Mit der Bewerbung um einen Austauschpatz an einer Partnerhochschule bewerben Sie sich automatisch um das dazugehörige Stipendium. Die Austauschplätze werden einmal im Jahr ausgeschrieben und Sie können sich dann bis zum 31. Januar eines jeden Jahres auf einen solchen Platz samt Stipendium bewerben. Sollten nach der ersten Bewerbungsrunde noch Austauschplätze zur Verfügung stehen, so wird eine zweite Bewerbungsrunde eröffnet. Die Bewerbung findet über das Online Portal Mobility Online der Fachhochschule Südwestfalen statt.

What other advantages do I have as an Erasmus+ student?

The Erasmus+ programme offers a number of advantages:

  • You will be exempt from tuition fees at the partner university.
  • You will receive a monthly grant during your stay abroad.
  • South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, the partner university and the European Student Network will support you before, during and after your mobility.
  • With the help of the Learning Agreement, your academic achievements abroad will be academically recognised for your studies here at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences.
  • Your rights are defined in the Erasmus+ Student Charter.
  • Subsidy for the use of sustainable transport, if applicable,
  • special grants for participants with fewer opportunities, if applicable.

What are my obligations as an Erasmus+ student?

As an Erasmus+ student, you are required to prepare and submit certain documents and records before, during and after your mobility.

Before mobility

  • Learning agreement with the host university
  • Grant agreement with FH SWF

During mobility

  • Possible update of learning agreement
  • Certificate of Attendance/Confirmation of Arrival

After mobility

  • Certificate of Attendance/Confirmation of Participation
  • Transcript of Records
  • EU Sponsorship Report/Survey of Participants

ERASMUS+ Internship

Amount of the funding rate

Eligibility requirements

Folgende Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit Sie sich auf ein Erasmus+ Stipendium für ein Auslandspraktikum bewerben können:

  • Sie müssen während des gesamten Praktikumszeitraums als Studierende:r der Fachhochschule Südwestfalen eingeschrieben oder Graduierte:r der Fachhochschule Südwestfalen sein. Im letzten Fall kann das Auslandspraktikum innerhalb eines Jahres (12 Monate) nach Abschluss des Studiums gefördert werden, wenn die Förderung im letzten Jahr der jeweiligen Studienphase beantragt wurde.
  • Es kann sowohl ein Pflichtpraktikum als auch ein freiwilliges Praktikum gefördert werden.
  • Das Praktikum muss mindestens zwei Monate (= 60 Tage) umfassen. Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programms entspricht ein Monat exakt 30 Tagen (außer der Februar ist der letzte Monat des Praktikums, dann zählt dieser mit 28 Tagen).
  • Es muss sich um ein Vollzeit-Praktikum (>32 Stunden/Woche) handeln.
  • Das Praktikum muss einen inhaltlichen Bezug zu Ihrem Studium aufweisen.
  • Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen müssen 4 Wochen vor Praktikumsbeginn bei uns eingehen. Unter Umständen können kurzfristige Bewerbungen akzeptiert werden, nach Praktikumsbeginn werden Bewerbungen nicht mehr angenommen.
  • Das Praktikum wird an einer förderbaren Institution absolviert.

Institutions eligible for funding

Die Studierenden sind in erster Linie selbst für die Suche nach einem geeigneten Praktikumsplatz zuständig. Das International Office bietet keine direkte Vermittlung von Praktikumsplätzen an.

Förderbare Institutionen für ein Praktikum

  • Öffentliche und private kleine, mittlere oder große Unternehmen (einschließlich gemeinwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen)
  • Lokale, regionale oder nationale öffentliche Stellen
  • Sozialpartner oder ein sonstiger Vertreter des Arbeitsmarktes (u. a. Handelskammern, Handwerks- oder Berufsverbände und Gewerkschaften)
  • Forschungseinrichtungen
  • Stiftungen
  • Schulen/Institute/Bildungszentren (vom Vorschulbereich über die Sekundarstufe II einschließlich Einrichtungen bis zur Berufs- und der Erwachsenenbildung)
  • gemeinnützige Organisationen, Verbände, Nichtregierungsorganisationen
  • Laufbahnberatungs-, Berufsberatungs- und Informationsstellen

Nicht-förderbare EU-Institutionen für ein Praktikum

  • Institutionen, die EU-Programme verwalten (EU-Institutionen, Einrichtungen und –Agenturen)
  • diplomatische nationale Vertretungen des Heimat-/Herkunftslandes der Geförderten (z.B. Deutsche Botschaften)

Application documents

Please send the the applications documents to:

What are my obligations as an Erasmus+ student?

As an Erasmus+ student, you are required to prepare and submit certain documents and records before, during and after your mobility.

Before mobility

  • Learning Agreement with the company/institution
  • Grant Agreement

After mobility

  • Qualified Traineeship Certificate
  • EU-Funding Report/Participant Survey


Short-term study visits for final theses, specific courses such as summer or winter schools, participation in excursions, longer study visits and internships can generally be funded from the 4th semester for Bachelor's students and from the 1st semester for Master's students. Funding for study visits to ERASMUS countries is possible in exceptional cases, but must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Starting in 2024, PhD students will also have the opportunity to receive funding for subject-specific courses in Europe and abroad.

A selection committee of the University decides on the award of the scholarships on the basis of the documents submitted. The selection criteria are academic performance (a minimum GPA of 2.5), the purpose of the planned stay for further study, relevant language skills, the social significance of the project and the submission of the application in due form and time at least 8 weeks before the stay abroad.

As the PROMOS Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship, the budget is limited. If all requirements are met, a decision will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. (The date of application is decisive)

The following activities are eligible for PROMOS funding

  • For study and internship stays abroad of at least 1 to a maximum of 6 months, a partial scholarship in the form of a lump sum is paid for the stay. These monthly flat rates are country-specific and are set by the DAAD. Mobility and course fee lump sums are not funded. (students)
  • For subject-related courses (Summer/Winter Schools) with a maximum duration of 6 weeks, a flat-rate course fee of 500 euros will be paid in addition to the partial grant for the stay. (undergraduate and PhD students)
  • Lecturers can apply for excursions until 31 March each year. Late applications cannot be considered due to the annual budget planning. The following also applies
    • ECTS points must be awarded
    • Only one grant per faculty is possible
    • A maximum of 10 people can be funded for 7 days
    • One accompanying person can usually be funded through ERASMUS Staff Mobility
    • From 2024, the flat rate for stays will be 45 euros for all countries

Participation lists for excursions must include the following information and be submitted 4 weeks before the start of the trip

  • Last name, first name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Studiengang
  • Status (Bachelor/Master)
  • Email address
  • Your address
  • Bank details
  • Signature

Application documents

Students / PhD students:



Contact PROMOS

Christoph Köchling (Dept. 4)
Phone: 02371 - 566 (1180)

Further opportunities

Please select a programme

Additional funding programmes with direct application

The funding opportunities you can select here are not administered by South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, but may still be a good way to finance a stay abroad. Please note that the International Office at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences cannot offer advice on these programmes.

BAföG for abroad

If you receive BAföG in Germany, you are generally also entitled to BAföG abroad. Under certain circumstances, an application for BAföG abroad can be successful even if you do not receive BAföG in Germany, as the assessment thresholds are different.

In addition to worldwide study visits - whether to a partner university or to a university of your choice - worldwide internships abroad are also funded, provided that the internship is a compulsory part of the degree programme.

Sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction and the national language of the host country is required, although knowledge of the national language, if different from the language of instruction, may be limited to language courses at the university, adult education centre or similar.

As a rule, applications must be submitted to the relevant BAföG office abroad 6 months before the start of the period of study abroad, but no later than the date of departure.

Deutsches Studierendenwerk - Offices for Educational Support

DAAD scholarship database

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an independent, publicly funded institution of German higher education. Its mission is to promote international academic relations.

In contrast to the exchange programmes of South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, only applicants with above-average previous grades have a chance. In addition to a carefully prepared application and an informative report, social commitment is also important.

Suitable scholarships can be found in the DAAD scholarship database.

Special mention should be made of the scholarship for students from universities of applied sciences!


Named after the American senator J. William Fulbright, the exchange programme promotes academic and cultural dialogue with the USA. The Fulbright programme is highly regarded throughout the world. The Fulbright Commission helps applicants to apply for a place at an accredited American university that has been selected for their subject. Integration into the international network of Fulbrighters enables scholars to make contacts and friends all over the world.

In addition to semester stays, students from universities of applied sciences are offered summer schools at US universities, including the corresponding financial support.

German-American Fulbright Commission


GOstralia!-GOmerica! is the official representative of various Australian and New Zealand universities in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland and has been responsible for the transfer of knowledge, advising students and handling the application process at Australian partner universities since 2000.

GOstralia!-GOmerica! offers students a comprehensive range of information eventsand services. The organisation assists students in choosing the right study destination in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia and the USA, and continues to support students once they arrive at their host university. The service is free to students.

There are also regular calls for applications for scholarships..

Institut Ranke-Heinemann

The Institute represents all Australian and New Zealand universities as well as Australian schools and vocational academies in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland.

As the central student secretariat for all Australian and New Zealand universities, the Ranke-Heinemann Institute is responsible for your advice, application/enrolment and support. The cost of these services is covered by the tuition fees you pay to the Australian or New Zealand institution. This means that a fixed amount is included for your support. In return, the institution guarantees a comprehensive package of pre- and post-study support services.

In some cases, the Institute may also award scholarships. For more information, please visit Institute Ranke-Heinemann.

College Contact

College Contact's role is to advise prospective students from German-speaking countries on behalf of its partner universities about the possibilities of studying abroad and to accompany applicants on their way abroad. As the partner universities finance this service, it is free of charge for students.

On the College Contact website you will find detailed profiles of the partner universities with pictures and videos, study guides, testimonials, a comprehensive guide to studying abroad, an international forum and much more.

College Contact also offers scholarships for semesters abroad.


For students of business, economics, management and international studies, Asia Exchange destinations have a lot to offer. Find your field of study or try something new while studying abroad! A paradise setting, world-class universities offering you a quality academic experience and credit transfer back home.

How convenient is that?


Good reasons to go abroad

Caner Özcan, Universidad Politechnica de Valencia

“Valencia is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe for me. I will keep the friendships I made and the memories I made for the rest of my life.”

Liz Berens on her semester abroad at the Université Bordeaux

“My semester abroad in Bordeaux was a very precious and unique experience for me. I was able to improve my French language skills and get to know the French culture from a different perspective. Unfortunately, the semester was shortened due to the corona pandemic, but I was still able to write exams and successfully complete my semester abroad.”

Sebastian Schmerbeck ERASMUS study abroad at the XAMK in Finland

“It was the most exciting experience of my life so far. You get a bit nervous before travelling to a foreign country without any familiar faces. However, the Erasmus students make the first contact super easy - I'm still in regular contact with many of them. I made real friends.”

Justine Gundermann on her semester abroad at Umea University. Sweden

“Studying abroad allows me to discover new ways of thinking and working and to experience many different cultures and perspectives through contact with other international students. I can also learn a new language, which will help me in the international labour market in the future.”

Lars Prinz, internship semester at Skoda in the Czech Republic

“... Finally, when living together, I realised that you learn more about your own country and your own culture from a different perspective abroad than I would have thought possible in Germany...”.

Yao Yu about her year abroad at Comenius University in Bratislava

“The experience of the exchange in Slovakia was invaluable to me, and it was a wonderful encounter of many cultures and perspectives. Although the covid-19 has brought many challenges to the exchange life, it has made me stronger and smiling to seek solutions.”

ERASMUS+ 2021-2027 at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

Theresa Westhoff (Dezern. 4)


Frauenstuhlweg 31
58644 Iserlohn
Room: H.118

Kerstin Sobkowiak (SG 2.5)


Lindenstr. 53
59872 Meschede
Room: 2.3.7