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Frequently asked questions

All information on studying and enrolling.

Do you have questions? #link.text

Here you find an overview of the questions - and answers - that may be relevant to your studies at the FH Südwestfalen.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Accident reports/insurance for students

As a student enrolled at FH SWF, you are covered by statutory accident insurance.
If you suffer an accident, please inform the responsible office in the university administration as soon as possible, from where the accident will be reported to the  Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen. The relevant accident report for daycare centre children, pupils and students can be found in this accident report document (pdf)  .

Contact person:
Tobias Becker
Phone: +49 2371 -566 -104
Baarstraße 6 58636 Iserlohn

*Please also inform the doctor in charge (including dentists) that the accident occurred in connection with attending a university.

If the accident occurred in the context of the university sports offered by the  AStA please inform the  AStA, so that they can handle the accident under their own responsibility via the insurance for university sports.

When do you have insurance cover as a student?
  • while attending lectures and seminars,
  • during other activities organised by the university, e.g. participation in excursions,
  • while visiting the university library,
  • and on the related travelling to and from the university.
  • By the way: the journey to enrolment is already insured.

Not covered are private activities such as
  • studying at home
  • private study trips
  • revision courses with private providers
  • private breaks on the way to the university or back home (e.g. shopping), journeys for private reasons or private activities on the university premises.


Accreditation is an assessment of whether a degree course meets certain minimum requirements; it can be compared to a kind of MOT for degree courses. For example, it is important that the course can be completed in the time allotted, that the modules actually focus on the qualification objectives and that there are appropriate professional fields for graduates. External auditors, working on behalf of an accreditation agency, assess compliance with the standards and certify this with a quality seal. Accreditation requirements are standardised across the federal states in the German Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. Accreditation is always limited in time, and degree courses must be regularly re-accredited, i.e. they must undergo a regular quality control.

(Original German text taken from the homepage of the   Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.)

Admission restrictions

Some degree courses are subject to admission restrictions. This means that if there are more applications than places available, a selection process will take place. Places are allocated according to academic performance and waiting time.

Further information can be found on the website  Application procedure for degree courses with restricted admission (so-called NC procedure).

Auditor programme

Students studying at other universities can be admitted as auditors upon application. This entitles them to attend courses and take examinations during their studies.

  Further information on the auditor programme, the legal basis and the necessary application.


As part of the application or enrolment process, you will need to submit, among other things, officially certified copies of your university entrance qualification. If possible, please do not submit the original certificates but only certified copies.

The official authentication must be issued by an authority or institution that has an official seal (e.g. municipal administration, local court, public parish, etc.). However, authentications from health insurance companies and savings banks, for example, are not accepted.

Authentication officially certifies that a copy, photocopy or other reproduction is the same as the original.

Official authentication must include at least:

  • a note certifying that the copy/reproduction is the same as the original (=certification note)
  • the certifier's signature
  • the imprint of the official seal.

Information sheet: Authentication

Authorisation from the legal representative for minor applicants

Please upload the signed  consent for the enrolment of minors  as part of your online application in the application portal.


The  AVMZ (AudioVisualMediaCentre) supports students and employees at FH SWF with media productions.



What is a Bachelor's degree?

A Bachelor's degree is the first degree that qualifies you for a profession.
After completing your degree, which usually takes six semesters, you will be ready to start your career. There are also an increasing number of seven-semester Bachelor's programmes.
Graduates are awarded a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) or a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), depending on the programme. German-language titles (e.g.Bakkalaureus der Wissenschaften) are also possible.
You can continue your Bachelor's degree with a Master's degree, either directly or after a period of work experience to gain an additional qualification.


  • Where can I get a BAfög application form?
    At  Studierendenwerk Dortmund
  • Where do I submit my BAföG application and where is the Studierendenwerk Dortmund?
    You submit your BAföG application at the Studierendenwerk in Dortmund. It is located on the campus of the University of Dortmund, Vogelpothsweg 85, 44227 Dortmund.
  • Where do I get the certificate for the BAföG office?
    You can find the certificate according to § 9 BAföG in the  Online Portal.
  • I would like to get counselling on BAföG.
    Please contact the  Studierendenwerk Dortmund.

At the beginning of each semester (usually in September), there are also BAföG counselling sessions for first-year students held by employees of the Studierendenwerk on the campuses in Iserlohn, Hagen, Meschede and Soest. The dates will be announced in good time on the FH SWF website under Deadlines and dates /   Dates for starting your studies.



FH SWF provides its users with certificates using the self-service procedure. You can use this "digital ID card" to sign or encrypt emails, for example.

NOTE: A user certificate is no longer required to log in to the  Virtual Service Centre.

Change of address

Please inform us as soon as possible of any change of address. This is the only way we can make sure that important documents (e.g. enrolment certificate, etc.) are sent to you. You can change your address in the  Online Portal.

Change of civil status

If you wish to apply for a change of first name and/or marital status (change of official gender entry), you can obtain an application form from the Student Service Office. Please then upload this application to the Online Portal.

Change of degree course

This information is aimed both at students who are changing their degree course within FH SWF and at students from other universities who would like to start their studies in a higher semester of a degree course at FH SWF.

Change of name

If your name (e.g. due to marriage) or gender has changed, you will find a corresponding application to change your personal data in the  Online Portal. In addition, we require a document proving the change (e.g. your marriage certificate). Please upload this document along with the corresponding application to the  Online Portal; our colleagues on site will amend your details.

If you wish to apply for a change of first name and/or marital status (change of official gender entry), you can use the application form provided  here  . Please then upload this application to the Online Portal.

Application for a new Chiporello - will be published here shortly!

Child benefit

What is the procedure for submitting proof of payment of child benefit to the Family Allowance Office?
By submitting a certificate of enrolment, which you will receive automatically from the university for the first time after enrolment and for subsequent semesters after re-registration for the corresponding semester (to be submitted to the Family Benefits Office by the student's parents who are in receipt of child benefit).

Background: Children of full age are only eligible for child benefit if they meet special (factual) conditions. This can be for example, education. This includes, in particular, school, vocational and university education. In general, it is sufficient to submit proof of education and a declaration of the child's income and earnings to the Family Allowance Office before the child reaches the age of 18. Further information for those eligible for child benefit can be found on the website of the Federal Finance Office.


Your contact for questions regarding  childcare  is the  Family Support Centre .

Clearing procedure

You can find more information at your respective  Student Service Office.


Here you will find an overview of all  committees, representatives and the University Management.

Compensation for disadvantages

Students who are not able to sit examinations as planned due to a disability or chronic illness may apply to the Head of Examination Board for compensation. Compensation may include, for example, an extension of the examination time, the provision of a separate examination room or the use of technical aids.

The representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses assists and advises students with disabilities in applying for compensation for disadvantages, in coping with the impairment and in all matters relating to studying with an impairment.

You can find further information and contact details on the website  Studying with a disability.

Co-operative model / Co-operative study model at the FH SWF (Kooperatives Modell)

Co-operative study models provide the opportunity to gain work experience during your studies. There are different types of the co-operative study model at the campuses of FH SWF.

Coronavirus pandemic

The Corona Protection Regulations of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia expired on 28 February 2023 after 1,073 days. As a consequence, the last protective measures prescribed by state law will no longer apply in North Rhine-Westphalia from 1 March 2023.

The number of infections is constantly changing, and the situation has currently eased significantly. Therefore, the information in this section is also regularly updated and amended.

You can also find useful information on the website of the Federal Centre for Health Education.


What are credits?
All courses in the programmes are awarded with credits in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The credits indicate the amount of student workload, i.e. the average total workload (including preparation and follow-up work). As a rule of thumb, one semester hour per week corresponds to approx. 1 to 1.5 credits. However, this does not always apply; the student workload is decisive: every 25-30 hours equals one credit. The Dean or the lecturers themselves are primarily responsible for the initial determination of the number of credits. The examination regulations will then determine the credits for the course. A certain number of credits must be obtained in order to successfully complete the programme.


Debt counselling

The Studierendenwerk Dortmund offers debt counselling for students in cooperation with the Diakonisches Werk Dortmund:  Dates and contact.


What degrees can I obtain at FH SWF?

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Science

as well as international double degrees


FH SWF has campuses in Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid, Meschede and Soest:

Disability or chronic illness and studies

In Germany, approximately 16% of all students have a disability or chronic illness that makes studying more difficult. These students include those with
  • mobility, visual or hearing impairments,
  • mental impairments (e.g. anxiety disorders, depression),
  • chronic somatic illnesses (e.g. Crohn's disease, rheumatism),
  • autism spectrum disorders or
  • partial performance disorders (e.g. dyslexia).

The representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses assists and advises students with disabilities in applying for compensation for disadvantages, in coping with the impairment and in all matters relating to studying with an impairment.

You can find further information and contact details on the website  Studying with a disability.

Discount on public transport fares

Your student ID card enables you to apply for a concession from the public transport company, but it will not allow you to use the bus or train for free. Please contact the transport company responsible for your region(s) directly to apply for the discount.

Please note
The Student Service Office does not have a list of the transport companies responsible for the various regions.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement (similar to credit points) is designed to simplify the assessment and classification of courses between universities and the international labour market in Europe.

The Diploma Supplement is very useful as a 'certificate supplement': It includes a detailed list of the individual components of the completed degree course as well as an overview of the German higher education system in English and is issued to graduates of Bachelor's/Master’s courses together with their degree certificate.

Upon request, further information about additional study-related activities abroad can be included in the Diploma Supplement. Students who have received Erasmus+ funding for their study-related stay abroad (internship or studies) will receive a corresponding certificate from the International Office, which must then be submitted to the Student Service Office.

If the activities are not part of Erasmus+ and are not a regular part of your studies, but have nevertheless contributed to the learning outcomes of your studies, please submit the following application to the international coordinator of your faculty and subsequently to the Student Service Office:
Application for recording stays abroad in the Diploma Supplement.

Doctor's certificate: Withdrawal from examinations due to illness

Withdrawal from examinations due to illness must be documented by a doctor's certificate issued no later than the day of the examination.

The original doctor's certificate must be received by the  Student Service Office no later than three working days after the respective examination.


ECTS grading / ECTS grading table

In addition to the overall grade, FH SWF also provides a relative grade distribution as defined in § 63 (1) sentence 3 HG ( Higher Education Act NRW)) in the form of an ECTS grading table. This grade distribution scheme provides statistical information on the distribution of final grades in a degree course and is used as a basis for comparison. The table is usually included in the transcript of records if there are at least 50 final grades in the reference group. The calculation is based on the ECTS guidelines of the European Commission as amended. Before the introduction of the ECTS Grading Table, ECTS assessment was carried out by awarding an ECTS grade.

Resolution of the Rectorate of 8 January 2020 approving the ECTS grading table (German language)

Election regulations for the student body

In conjunction with the Regulation on the Implementation of Online-Based Elections at Universities and Student Bodies in North Rhine-Westphalia (Online Election Regulation) of 30 October 2020 (GV.NRW.p. 1056) the student parliament of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences has issued the election regulations for the student body of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

Email account / user ID

As a student at FH SWF, you will receive a university account (user name, password and personal FH email address) and can use your   user ID  to access services on the university network, such as checking online grades or reading/sending emails. In the future, the User ID will be used to access all online services for students, which are currently being expanded. You can find further information about the email account here.

Entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)

The entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences is a school-leaving certificate that entitles the holder to study at a university of applied sciences. The general entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences consists of an academic and a vocational component.

The academic part of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) is obtained by students with appropriate performance at the end of the first year of the qualification phase (year 11, nine-year grammar school students obtain the academic part of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences at the end of year 12) at grammar schools and, after year 12, at comprehensive schools, vocational schools or specialised upper secondary schools. In some German federal states, also through additional general education subjects at upper secondary level in combination with vocational training at vocational schools or technical colleges (e.g. technical or social pedagogy schools). The vocational part of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences is obtained by completing at least one year of relevant work experience or at least two years of relevant vocational training.

If the student has a lower secondary school leaving certificate and at least two years of vocational training, he or she will be placed in year 12 of the Fachoberschule. Otherwise, students must first attend year 11 of the specialised upper secondary school, which consists of an integrated vocational component (work placement) and an academic component. This does not apply to all federal states, e.g. Bavaria.
Important: If the certificate does not explicitly state that it is recognised nationally or in North Rhine-Westphalia, you will need to have your certificate recognised by the relevant regional government in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Vocational extension certificate (Fachoberschulreife)
The vocational extension certificate is also known as the Mittlere Reife. It is the qualification obtained at a secondary school or one of the school-leaving qualifications that can be obtained at a comprehensive school. This qualification does not entitle the holder to study at university and cannot be obtained from a university.

Exam organisation online

Students studying in an examination regulation version until 2021 can register and de-register for examinations via the  Virtual Service Centre.
Students studying in an examination regulation version from 2022 onwards can register and de-register for examinations via the  Online Portal. You can also find an  instruction video with corresponding explanations on our website.

You can check which version of the examination regulations you are currently studying in the  Online Portal in the menu under My studies>Study services>My status.

If you have problems with the application, please consult the  technical notes


In contrast to enrolment, exmatriculation is the removal of a student from the register of students. Once you have been exmatriculated by the Student Service Office, you will receive a certificate of exmatriculation, which is a prerequisite for future enrolment at a German university. Students can also be exmatriculated by the university against their will, for example if they have finally failed an examination.


Family Support Centre

Balancing family, career and studies can be a major challenge. The Family Support Centre offers free and confidential advice.


In accordance with the "Act to Improve Equal Opportunities in Access to Higher Education in North Rhine-Westphalia", the state parliament in Düsseldorf decided on 24 February 2011 to abolish tuition fees. As a result, no tuition fees have been charged at FH SWF since winter semester 2011/2012.

However, according to § 11 of the Student Services Act, all enrolled students are required to pay a so-called "social contribution", which is used by the Studierendenwerk for their tasks. In addition, the Students' Council levies a contribution from its members for the costs of student self-administration. The contributions of the student body are determined by its own contribution regulations in accordance with § 57 of the Higher Education Act. Students at Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid and Soest campuses also have to pay for the semester ticket.

You can find out more about the fees at FH SWF here:   Semester fees and contributions.

FH forum / Information hub

The official forum at FH SW The forum of the FH SWF has been transferred to a Moodle course on the e-learning platform of the university. To join the course, please follow the link You will also find all further information about the forum there.

Financing your studies

Whether it's scholarships or the co-operative model, there are many ways to finance your studies - find out more about financing your studies  here.


German language skills / German language examination (DSH)

International applicants must have sufficient knowledge of the German language in order to enrol in German-language degree courses. This language proficiency must be proven by a German language examination.
Only certificates of successful completion of one of the following examinations are recognised by FH SWF as proof of sufficient knowledge for the course:
  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH): It can be taken at German universities, however DSH examinations are not offered at all German universities. FH SWF does not offer the DSH examination. Please contact another university or check the following link on the Internet:
  • Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) - level 4: these are offered by test centres for the TestDaF
  • Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) of the Goethe-Institut: Goethe-Institutes exist in many countries worldwide and also in many different cities in Germany:

Graduation loan

If other sources of funding are not available or are no longer available - for example, if you have exceeded your maximum BAföG funding period - you can apply for a DAKA (Darlehnskasse der Studentenwerke im Lande Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.) loan to finance your normal living costs and study-related expenses: Contact at  Studierendenwerk Dortmund.

Guest student / Auditor

You have the opportunity to register as a guest student at FH SWF. As a guest student, you can attend all lectures of a degree course without having a university entrance qualification, however you cannot take any examinations.


Hagen: Student Service Office

Students at Hagen campus can contact the Hagen Student Service Office for administrative matters.

Health insurance

Starting from 01 December 2021, the new electronic student registration procedure will replace the previous paper-based one. All data subject to notification between FH SWF and health insurance agencies will then be exchanged electronically in both directions.
The following continues to apply: Each applicant must contact the health insurance agency prior to enrolment! Please apply to your health insurance agency for a special insurance certificate for enrolment, which the agency will send to us electronically.

For this purpose, please indicate the location of the HQ of our university which is: Iserlohn: With some health insurance companies you can also note the separate sender number of FH SWF. H0000339.
To complete the online application, it is also necessary to enter the insurance data of your health insurance agency (insurance number and name of the health insurance agency). Proof of health insurance cover or certificates do not have to be uploaded, but will only be sent to us electronically by the health insurance agency! If you have private health insurance cover, you must contact a statutory health insurance agency with a private insurance certificate. The statutory health insurance agency will then electronically report your exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation to FH SWF.

If you have a health insurance cover from a foreign country, please contact a statutory health insurance agency in Germany with your insurance documents before submitting your online application. They will check your insurance cover and report your insurance status electronically to FH SWF.

Please note: Some statutory health insurance agencies provide you with the option of sending the certificate electronically online. You can also find helpful information at the  health insurance work group (German language content only).

Higher education entrance qualification

The entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences always consists of two parts:
When does proof of which internship have to be provided?
One-year supervised internship
Students must complete a one-year internship in order to qualify for admission to a university of applied sciences, namely in year 11 of the specialised secondary school,
  • with the relevant results at the end of the first year of the qualification phase (year 11) of upper secondary education (those who have completed nine years of upper secondary education obtain the academic part of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences at the end of year 12).
  • after or during the corresponding year 12 of the further education college,
  • after the first year of the qualification phase (year 12) of the vocational grammar school.

The internship must be carried out in accordance with the internship training regulations of 11 December 2006 (BASS 13-36 No. 5). Proof of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences after the technical secondary school is provided by presenting the certificate of the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences issued by the school. In all other cases, proof is provided by submitting the certificate of the school-based part of the higher education entrance qualification and the certificate of successful completion of the supervised work placement. Students wishing to study at universities of applied sciences in other federal states are only formally recognised by the higher education inspectorate.

Six-month relevant internship
Students at the two-year vocational school must complete a relevant six-month internship in order to qualify for admission to a university of applied sciences. The internship must be carried out in accordance with the internship training regulations of 11 December 2006 (BASS 13-36 No. 5). The vocational schools where the course was completed are responsible for awarding the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences.

Holiday childcare

Your contact for questions regarding holiday childcare is the  Family Support Centre.


Informally in writing (Formlos schriftlich)

What means: "Informally in writing” (Formlos schriftlich) Informal means that you can formulate an application freely without having to use the appropriate forms.
Written means that you must sign your application in person and submit it by postal mail, fax or in person. If you need to attach authenticated documents, we recommend sending them by postal mail or submitting them in person.
An email is not sufficient.

International student ID card

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) allows students to benefit from student discounts abroad.
It can be obtained from the AStA secretariat.

Internship vacancies

Unfortunately, we cannot help you directly in finding an internship, because the Student Service Offices themselves do not have lists of companies that regularly offer internships.
Please contact the Careers Information Centre (BIZ) responsible for your place of residence - located at the Employment Agency - or the Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as your faculty.
You can also check the notice board at the university or on our website in the job market section: Sometimes internships are advertised here:  Stellenangebote Wirtschaft.

Iserlohn: Student Service Office

Students at Iserlohn campus can contact the  Iserlohn Student Service Office for administrative matters.


Leave of absence

Students may be granted a leave of absence from their studies for an important reason, usually for one semester, or for two semesters in the case of military or civilian service. During the leave of absence no academic achievements or examinations can be taken.
  • Further information on leave of absence and the application for leave of absence

Lecture plans

Lecture plans, schedules, room allocation and much more can be found here:

Loan period

The loan period for books is usually 30 days. You can find further regulations on the library pages.
The loan period for interlibrary loan orders is set differently by the individual supplying libraries.



Here you will find an overview of all committees, representatives and the University Management.


What is a Master's degree?
A Master's degree is a degree that builds on the Bachelor's degree.
However, a large number of students go straight into work after completing their Bachelor's degree (= first professional qualification). However, those who wish to deepen their knowledge beyond the Bachelor's degree (e.g. because they are considering a particular academic career or wish to specialise in a particular profession) can take a Master's degree, which is also a prerequisite for a PhD.
The Master's degree can be taken either immediately after the Bachelor's degree or at a later stage in your career, for example to continue your professional development after an initial period of employment.
The following degree titles are awarded - analogous to the Bachelor's degree titles (see above) - the Master of Arts (M.A.), the Master of Science (M.Sc.), the Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) and the Master of Laws (LL.M.).

Maternity protection

Your contact for questions regarding maternity protection  is the  Family Support Centre.

Media Centre

AudioVisuellesMedienZentrum The  AVMZ (AudioVisualMediaCentre) supports students and employees at FH SWF with media productions.

Meschede: Student Service Office

Students at Meschede campus can contact the Meschede Student Service Office for administrative matters.

Mission statement

The library at FH SWF, with campuses in Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid, Meschede and Soest, is the central unit responsible for the provision and maintenance of information and media. In particular, it advises and assists members and affiliates of the University in their use of information and media. In addition, the library actively offers its information services to all interested users in the region. In particular, the library provides the following services:
  • Procuring, cataloguing and delivering information through print and electronic media and maintaining the service;
  • Provision of teaching, learning and working facilities in physical and electronic form;
  • Advice, support and training for members and affiliates of the University in the use of information and media.

We provide our services competently, as quickly as possible and in a friendly manner. We proactively offer new information products and services and respond to specific and individual user requests. Our users are the focus of our work.
The development of the information and library sector is something we want to actively shape and implement at our university in line with demand. To this end, we collaborate with other libraries and institutions and make use of all information resources.

Work structure
The aim of our work is to continuously improve the quality of our services, taking into account the constraints of human and financial resources. To achieve our objectives, we use a team organisation with specific tasks, clear responsibilities and decision-making powers. Personal commitment, flexibility and interest in the work should be maintained and encouraged by all employees through a flat hierarchy, an open working atmosphere and lively internal communication.


NC - Numerus Clausus

Some degree courses have more applicants than places available. For this reason, a so-called local NC (Numerus Clausus) is determined for these courses and a selection procedure is carried out, i.e. not every applicant will get a place of study.
Whether your desired degree course is subject to a local NC as well as further information on the procedure can be found on the website  Selection procedure.
Explanation of the online application for a degree course with a local selection procedure .

Non-university members

You can find detailed information on library use for non-university members on the  library website.

Nursing care

Your contact for questions regarding nursing care is the  Family Support Centre.


Online Catalogue KAI

Our Online Catalogue KAI is the central access point for literature research at FH SWF - it stands for Catalogue and Information. Our print and electronic media - including databases - are listed in the catalogue. Many databases are searched directly by content, so that hits are displayed down to chapter and article level.
  • Under  Search tips you will find information on the media available as well as details on the use of e-media, e.g. access options from outside the campus.
  • For a subject-specific overview of our database offerings, see   Subject Guide. There you can also find out whether the contents of a particular database can be searched in KAI.

Please contact if you have any questions.


Parental leave / parental allowance

Your contact for questions regarding parental leave / parental is the  Family Support Centre.

Parking Iserlohn Campus

At Iserlohn campus, students can only park directly on site if they can provide proof of a physical disability in the form of a medical certificate. You can get the form to apply for a parking permit on the Facility Management website  or at the Student Service Office Iserlohn.
However, there is a car park a short walk away at the Alexanderhöhe/Parkhalle.


Refund of semester fees

Refunds of social and student body fees - as well as the materials purchase fee and, where applicable, the tuition fee - are only possible if the student withdraws from the University (receipt of application), takes a leave of absence, or refuses to enrol BEFORE the start of the semester for which the fee was paid.  Application for a refund in the Online Portal.
Please only submit the paper application form below if you have been exmatriculated for more than 60 days and therefore no longer have access to the online portal. Refund application
The semester ticket (Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid and Soest campuses) can only be fully refunded before the start of the semester (i.e. 1 March or 1 September). After the start of the semester, AStA will decide upon a possible partial refund. Please send any enquiries/applications directly to AStA.

Representation of interests, student body

All students enrolled at the university constitute the student body. The bodies of the student body are the Student Parliament and the General Students' Committee (AStA).
The student parliament (also known as StuPa for short) is the supreme decision-making body of the student body. Its duties are determined by the statutes of the student body, subject to special provisions of the Higher Education Act. The tasks include
  • making decisions on fundamental matters of the student body,
  • the election of the AStA,
  • deciding on the usage of the student body's financial resources, i.e. adopting the budget and monitoring its implementation
  • approving expenditures of considerable financial significance,
  • passing resolutions and amending the student body's statutes and regulations,
  • the organisation of ballots.
The StuPa appoints a chairperson and a deputy chairperson from its members to chair the meetings. The meetings are generally open to the public. A budget committee is to be formed as a standing committee of the StuPa. Further committees can be formed if required. The student parliament is elected by the members of the student body in general, direct, free, equal and secret elections.
The General Student Committee represents the student body. It executes the decisions of the student parliament and deals with the ongoing administration of the student body.
  • Contact and information centre for all students
  • Spokesperson for student concerns
  • Counselling centre for: Questions about BAföG and social matters (housing benefit, social welfare, studying with children, etc.)
  • Support for student interest groups
  • Coordination office for interdisciplinary campaigns / topics
  • Gathering point for current university policy issues nationwide and passing them on to the faculties
The student body can also be organised into student councils in accordance with its statutes.
The student council (the elected representation of the student body) is the permanent representation of the student body and is elected once a year by all students of the respective faculty. The tasks of the student councils include
  • Contact person for students in the faculty, counselling on faculty-specific topics
  • Representing the students towards the dean and in the committees
  • Possibly organising parties, regulars' tables, etc.


Please read the information under the FAQ section Online Catalogue Kai.


To re-register, please log in to the  Online Portal and transfer the specified amount. You have received the credentials via postal mail. As an alternative, you will receive an email to your university email address ( on the start date for the re-registration period.


Selection procedure (NC procedure)

Some degree courses have more applicants than places available. For this reason, a so-called local NC (Numerus Clausus) is determined for these courses and a selection procedure is carried out, i.e. not every applicant will get a place of study.
Whether your desired degree course is subject to a local NC as well as further information on the procedure can be found on the website  Selection procedure.
Explanation of the online application for a degree course with a local selection procedure .


A semester is half a year's study at a university. This includes the semester breaks (= lecture-free periods).
The academic year is divided into a winter and a summer semester. The winter semester begins on 1 September and ends on 28 or 29 February. The summer semester begins on 1 March and ends on 31 August.
Most courses take place during the lecture period. Examinations, internships or block courses may take place during the lecture-free period.

Semester fees

In accordance with the "Act to Improve Equal Opportunities in Access to Higher Education in North Rhine-Westphalia", the state parliament in Düsseldorf decided on 24 February 2011 to abolish tuition fees. As a result, no tuition fees have been charged at FH SWF since winter semester 2011/2012.
However, according to § 11 of the Student Services Act, all enrolled students are required to pay a so-called "social contribution", which is used by the Studierendenwerk for their tasks. In addition, the Students' Council levies a contribution from its members for the costs of student self-administration. The contributions of the student body are determined by its own contribution regulations in accordance with § 57 of the Higher Education Act. Students at Hagen, Iserlohn, Lüdenscheid and Soest campuses also have to pay for the semester ticket.
You can find out more about the fees at FH SWF here:  semester fees and contributions.
Please note: The Student Service Offices cannot issue certificates of paid semester fees. If you require proof, e.g. for authorities/the tax office, you must provide your own bank statements.

Semester ticket

All full-time students enrolled at the Hagen, Iserlohn and Soest campuses are provided with a semester ticket.
The current cost amount is regularly updated on the Fees and contributions website. The AStA at your campus informs you in which areas the semester ticket is valid.

Information on Deutschland-Ticket
With the introduction of the Deutschland-Ticket (49,- EUR ticket), students have the opportunity to convert their semester ticket into a Deutschland-Ticket on the Deutsche Bahn portal (see below - Ticket to Print).
You can find the link to your semester ticket in the Virtual Service Centre under "My studies" and here:

The ticket can be printed 45 days before the expiry date (1 March or 1 September) after re-registration.
There is no semester ticket on Meschede campus; however, you can usually apply for a fare reduction with your student ID card. Please contact the transport company responsible for the region in question directly.
Whether and where a semester ticket is available was determined by a student survey.

Sick note child

Your contact for questions regarding sick note of your child is the  Family Support Centre.

Soester Modell

Financing of your studies: This co-operative study model is a combination of studying at the university and working in a company that provides a scholarship for the course. The course at Soest campus follows the normal semester timetable, but students are involved in the company's activities during the lecture-free period. The Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Automation at Soest campus are happy to help with arranging contacts

Soest: Student Service Office

Students at Soest campus can contact the  Soest Student Service Office for administrative matters.

Study counselling

You can obtain detailed information about the structure and content of the degree course you are interested in at the student counselling service. Each faculty at FH SWF offers a student advisory service - sometimes at fixed times, sometimes on an individual basis. It is also possible to visit laboratories and attend open days.

It is advisable to attend the counselling session in order to get a better idea of the content of the desired course and to make the right study decision from the beginning. The advisors are committed to providing first-year students with as much information as possible about their chosen course.
Once you have started your course, you will normally have access to a staff member at your faculty for advice and guidance.
Overview of all current activities and events at FH SWF - maybe there is something of interest for you!

Study grants / Scholarships

Scholarships are an important way of supporting talented young people in their education to become competent professionals at a high level. This is an opportunity for students, for society and for businesses as sponsors, donors, trainers and employers.

Student numbers

How many students are studying at FH SWF?

Student parliament

Student parliament (also known as StuPa for short) is the supreme decision-making body of the student body. Its duties are determined by the statutes of the student body, subject to special provisions of the Higher Education Act. The tasks include
  • making decisions on fundamental matters of the student body,
  • the election of the AStA,
  • deciding on the usage of the student body's financial resources, i.e. adopting the budget and monitoring its implementation
  • approving expenditures of considerable financial significance,
  • passing resolutions and amending the student body's statutes and regulations,
  • the organisation of ballots.

The StuPa appoints a chairperson and a deputy chairperson from among its members to chair the meetings. The meetings are generally open to the public. A budget committee is to be formed as a standing committee of the StuPa. Further committees can be formed if required. The student parliament is elected by the members of the student body in general, direct, free, equal and secret elections.


Transcript of records

Where can I get a transcript of records?
You can access and download your transcript of records in the  Virtual Service Centre.


University logo

University Management

Here you will find an overview of all committees, representatives and the  University Management.


Withdrawal from examinations

Examination registrations have a binding effect, so that special requirements are set for the withdrawal from examinations.
Therefore, we recommend to use the PDF file  Medical certificate of incapacity to take examinations for submission to the examination board of the FH SWF

Regulations on withdrawal from an examination due to illness 
In case of uncertainty, please contact the responsible  Student Service Office on your campus.


Young students

Students in upper secondary school (in exceptional cases also in year 10 of secondary schools) have the opportunity to take part in lectures, tutorials and internships in designated degree courses at FH SWF’ campuses in Iserlohn, Soest, Hagen and Meschede, where they can also demonstrate their achievements in examinations. Students who take part in this project are referred to as young students.

Do you have any questions?
Your contact for further questions is General Student Advisory Service Phone: +49 2371 566 538 Email:
Application/enrolment: Heike Sobasik Phone: +49 2371/566-551 Email: