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Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerlach

Faculty of Electrical Engineering Soest

Gebäude Soest

SWICE: South Westphalia International Center for Entrepreneurship

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SWICE - Realizing opportunities

The South Westphalia International Center for Entrepreneurship (SWICE) is an interdisciplinary research and support center at the South Westphalia University of Applied Siences, campus Soest, Hagen and Iserlohn, aimed at promoting entrepreneurial thinking and initiative by realizing opportunities, fostering innovation, supporting proactive problem-solving and teaching responsible entrepreneurial management.

The SWICE is to be a hub offering competent business advice and support for entrepreneurial initiatives from students, alumni and researchers of any nationality and in any area of business and engineering.

The practice-oriented research projects in the areas of

of the SWICE are geared towards expanding the knowledge base in the area of entrepreneurship and towards creating and supporting an entrepreneurial culture.

The SWICE-Lab, a workspace for company founders, is intended to accompany and support young start-up entrepreneurs especially in business areas of research and knowledge industry in their progress from first idea to founding of a company. Start-ups powered by SWICE.

Recent Publications


Von der Hochschule ins eigene Unternehmen?
Gerlach, A., Neuschäfer K. (2015): Von der Hochschule ins eigene Unternehmen? - Unternehmerische Einstellungen Studierender der FH Südewestfalen, Campus Soest.

The Stage - Gate process as a tool in entrepreneurship education
Gerlach, A., Bollweg, L. (2015): The Stage-Gate process as a tool in entrepreneurship education. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 10(3) 141-149.

Beteiligungen an Spin-offs als Instrument der Gründungsförderung
Neuschäfer, K. (2015): Beteiligungen an Spin-offs als Instrument der Gründungsförderung. In J. Teichert et al. (Eds.), Universitäre Gründungsförderung: Abläufe, Akteure, Erfolge (113-122). Münster: Waxmann.