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Psychological-psychotherapeutic consultation hours

for students and employees at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

Hochschulgebäude Iserlohn

Sometimes it all gets a little too much...

South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (FH SWF) aims to support enrolled students and employees during their studies or professional activities to prevent mental stress or illnesses at an early stage or enable early recognition.

The hardest step is often the first. However, crises do not have to be faced alone. The psychological-psychotherapeutic consultation hours provide confidential and straightforward support.

  • For Students:
    In the case of challenges that may affect mental health; mental exhaustion; depression or the appearance of signs of other mental illnesses; persistent e.g. social anxiety or exam anxiety; dealing with attention disorders and the like.
  • For Employees:
    In situations where coping with stress is difficult; acute pressures that could jeopardise mental health and the appearance of signs of mental exhaustion or other mental illnesses, such as depressive moods.

Kaffee, Notizen und ein Stift

What is included in the psychological-psychotherapeutic consultation hours?

In up to three 50-minute sessions, the psychotherapist works with the individual to determine what support is needed, for example, if a mental health condition is suspected and what services might be helpful. Confidentiality is ensured for all counselling attendees.

The practices offer psychotherapy, but it is important to understand that this is not a full therapy, nor is it an immediate transition to a full therapy. However, a few initial consultation appointments can often provide relief and help clarify the concrete path to further help.

FH SWF cooperates with a psychotherapy practice on each site.

Please select your campus to display the contact details of the respective co-operating practice.

Our cooperation partners

Select your campus

Note for employees

There are currently no consultation appointments for employees available at the practice in Iserlohn. Please contact the practice in Meschede instead.

Hagen and Lüdenscheid Campus

Systemisch-verhaltenstherapeutische Psychotherapiepraxis Messner
Dr. Eva-Maria Messner
Dr. Matthias Messner

Phone: 02304 - 7773190

Appelhof 22
58239 Schwerte

Language(s) of the consultation hours: German, English

Iserlohn Campus

Psychotherapie an der Lenne
Praxisgemeinschaft Letmathe

Elina Amy Stahmeyer
Hanna Schönhoff
Marius Wodaege
Dr. Sebastian Altfeld

Note for employees:
There are currently no consultation appointments available for employees at this practice. Please contact the practice in Meschede instead.

Phone: 02374 – 9203510

Bahnhofstraße 6
58642 Iserlohn-Letmathe

Language(s) of the consultation hours: German, English

Meschede Campus

Praxis für Psychotherapie
Christine Rudolf

Phone: 0291 - 14496553

Ruhrstr. 20
59872 Meschede

Language(s) of the consultation hours: German, English

Soest Campus

Psychotherapeutische Praxisgemeinschaft
Jana Hoge
Dr. Julia Krämer (currently on parental leave)
Jana Thomanek

Phone: 02921 - 3460000

Höggenstr. 5a
59494 Soest

Language(s) of the consultation hours: German

Additional offer: English-language group therapy

If you want to focus on your mental health in 2025, systemic group therapy might be an option for you.

Practice Messner, a psychotherapeutic practice cooperating with South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, launches an offer for international students.

Dr. Eva-Maria Messner is starting a cycle of group therapy for individuals with mixed mental challenges (e.g. depression, anxiety, AD(H)D, OCD, PTSD, eating disorders, etc.) on 22nd of January. Sessions will take place in Appelhof 22, 58239 Schwerte 2nd floor weekly on Wednesdays 1:40 - 3:20 pm until the end of July. Groups are a maximum of 9 patients, the leading and the co-therapist.

You can test your eligibility in an initial single session that can be booked via e-mail: or phone: 0176/30116053.

Diagnosis can be assessed in other single sessions. The cost will be covered by your health insurance.

Important to know


The initial contact with the practice in your city is made directly by the person seeking counselling - preferably via Email. Personal data will not be transmitted to the university; only anonymised information will be used for billing purposes.

Prior to the first consultation, you are required to present your student or work ID card. In addition, students must provide a current certificate of enrolment. A health insurance card is not necessary.

Please note that in the interest of all those seeking advice, appointments should be kept or agreed appointments should be cancelled in good time so that free appointments can be rescheduled. Failure to cancel appointments in a timely manner may result in charges being applied by the practice.

The primary purpose of the consultation hours is to provide an initial consultation for information and support, and if required, short-term psychotherapeutic intervention, which includes an initial diagnosis and corresponding recommendations for action. The working methods are based on cognitive behavioural therapy.


Who will know if I have made use of the consultation hours?

Psychological psychotherapists are obliged to maintain confidentiality. Your health insurance company and other organisations will not know that you have used the service.

Due to an anonymous billing model, the university offices are not informed of your use of consultation hours.

There is only a structural exchange between practices and the university, without disclosing personal data, to develop further support services if necessary. Possible questions include whether the quota at a particular site has been used up prematurely or if there are frequently occurring problems that the university can positively influence through structural measures.

What can I expect from the consultation hours?

To ensure that those seeking advice have sufficient time and space, the cooperating practices work exclusively with fixed appointments. The psychotherapists will listen to you and analyse the situation with you. They will then look for solutions so that you, as the person seeking counselling, feel able to act independently again. An important part of the consultation is a professional assessment of whether the problem is a medical condition. In the case of a medical condition, you will be given advice on how to get further help as quickly as possible and on the most appropriate programme of help. For instance, outpatient psychotherapy is one possibility.

What is behavioural therapy?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientifically proven method that focuses on unfavourable beliefs, behavioural patterns, and stressful feelings. The therapy approach also targets specific behaviours, and may involve exercises or role plays to practice more helpful behaviours. The approach in behavioural therapy is goal- and solution-oriented, and also aims to develop personal strengths and resources.

How do I contact the practice?

Contact is made directly with the practice and without any detours via the university.

The initial contact with an appointment request should be made by Email.

Are there any costs for the consultation hours?

There are no costs associated with using this service. The university will finance a maximum of three counselling hours per person seeking counselling.

Are the consultation hours also offered in languages other than German?

In some practices, consultation hours can also be offered in English. You can find up-to-date information about this in the contact details of the individual practices.

Can I also have a consultation hour online?

If visiting the practice rooms is not possible, all cooperation partners also offer the option of conducting sessions online via a video service provider approved by the KVWL. The practice will provide you with the necessary access.

How long should I expect to wait?

The first consultation hour usually takes place within a maximum of 21 calendar days after making contact.

However, please understand that there may be longer waiting times in certain cases.

Why do I need to provide the practice with a personalised ID?

The requirement for a personalised ID is because this is the only way that cooperating practices can ensure that they are registered students or employees of the university.

As the University does not receive, does not wish to receive and cannot receive any personal data in the context of invoicing, this data must in practice be retained for any external audit.

For employees: How can I use the service without a personalised ID card?

If you have opted for a non-personalised ID card, you can request a certificate of employment at any time without having to give a reason from Department 1.2 Personnel. You can present this together with your identity card at the practice.

You also have the option of replacing your non-personalised chip card with a personalised ID card without giving a reason.
Further information can be found on the corresponding website of Department 1.1 Organisation / Internal Services.

What other support services are available?

Students at FH SWF have the option of talking to the student coaches as an alternative or in addition.
Student Coaching Services

In addition, Studierendenwerk Dortmund offers psychological counselling for students at FH SWF..
Psychological counselling services offered by the Studierendenwerk Dortmund

Whom can I contact in acute crises and emergencies?

During mental health crises and emergencies, you can access the emergency outpatient clinics of your local psychiatric hospitals at any time.

You can also obtain direct help by calling the telephone counselling service at

Please note:

This is a new service at the university.

Consultation hours should be made available to people seeking advice as soon as possible, i.e. within a few weeks of contact. However, we ask for your understanding if there is a longer waiting time in individual cases.

Each practice has agreed to a certain number of sessions for students and employees for an initial project period of two years.

As it is not yet possible to predict how the number of sessions will increase, there is a close dialogue with the cooperating practices about the number of sessions available. If a practice's quota is exhausted early in the year, we will inform you here.

Note from the Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses:

The strong increase of impairments among students that make studying more difficult is primarily due to an increase in mental illnesses and stress (cf. current student survey "best3" as a PDF download (only available in German language)).

As part of the NRW state government's 'Inclusive University' funding programme, FH SWF has received state funds to improve the situation of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. This will significantly contribute to the implementation of measures, including psychological-psychotherapeutic consultation hours for students.