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Agriculture B.Sc.


Agrarwirtschaft in Soest studieren


In the first two semesters of the Bachelor of Agriculture students will learn the basics of agricultural knowledge, e.g., biology, animal nutrition, IT. In the following semesters they can choose individual specialisations from a wide range of general optional subjects: for example, business management, arable and livestock farming, ecology. The graduates are qualified for activities in responsible positions in a traditionally broad occupational field, e.g., as a farmer or agricultural advisor, in the field of marketing or administration.

Application: Online Application

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Language of instruction: German (for international applicants: Level DSH2 / TestDaf4 / C1)

Campus: Soest

Course length: Standard period of study 6 or 7 semesters

Beginning of course: Winter term (september)

Application deadline: Application periods and deadlines

Contributions and fees


Campus Iserlohn and Soest

Heike Sobasik

Contact preferably by e-mail
Campus Hagen, Meschede and Lüdenscheid

Tobias Becker (SG 2.4)

Contact preferably by e-mail