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Project Description

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, higher education plays a crucial role in equipping professionals with the essential digital skills required to responsibly harness the power of AI. The TaLAI (Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education) Erasmus+ project has a primary objective: to pioneer the introduction of innovative pedagogical approaches that ethically integrate AI in higher education.

By extending existing partner networks and facilitating collaborations, TaLAI has a dual mission: not only to benefit national communities, but also to contribute to the advancement of innovation in teaching and learning at the European level. The initiative provides academic teachers with the opportunity to enhance their AI skills and competences, ultimately impacting on various aspects of societal life through the implementation of novel teaching methods.

The Objectives
  • Enhance the digital competences of university teachers in the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Support educators in improving their AI-related skills
  • Develop an online course and a digital platform that serves as a hub for the discussion of ethical AI issues and assists educators in seamlessly integrating AI into their teaching.
  • Formulate policy recommendations for the evaluation of AI in higher education.

The main motivation for this project is the need for innovative pedagogical approaches, focusing on how AI can be ethically integrated into the practice of Higher Education (HE) teachers and in turn develop AI literacy, competence and skills of educators as well as students. In digital transformation, higher education plays a key role in society to prepare future professionals and leaders with the digital skills to manage AI ethically. As the introduction of AI in the labour market will also lead to long-term changes, UNESCO recommended the ethical integration of AI in the context of higher education. The TaLAI Platform and the Online Course will be public to engage educators from various sectors, creating new synergies between different fields and disciplines. These results will enhance educators and in turn also students’ digital and AI competences and skills. Connections with policy makers and university governance will be utilized to ensure a significant impact of TaLAI’s recommendations on the ethical use of AI for teaching, learning and assessment.

Innovation and Perspectives:

In the wake of groundbreaking AI innovations, both opportunities and challenges abound in higher education. For example, the rise of GenAI and other tools has drastically transformed the landscape of higher education, presenting a dynamic array of possibilities and hurdles to navigate. However, there’s much to learn by writing along with — rather than banning — new technologies, whether it’s the calculator in 1967, Wikipedia in 2007, or ChatGPT since November 2022. This project aims to focus on the opportunities AI tools provide for innovative teaching and learning in higher education. This project is innovative as it will build capacity and critical understanding of academic teachers on how to exploit the opportunities offered by AI for teaching and learning. To do so, it will address questions such as: How can higher education use AI tools ethically? How can academic teachers use AI tools to their own advantage? Do these innovative teaching and learning practices require new ways of assessing? Moreover, this project applies a co-creation process where academic teachers will take an active role in the development of the results of this project.

TaLAI Overview


01.11.2023 - 31.10.2026

Funding Program

This Project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement: 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000153155.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. - Nationale Agentur für Erasmus + Hochschulzusammenarbeit. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Foto der Projektpartner beim Kick-off

01.11.2023 | TaLAI Project Kick-off Meeting Marks Successful Start!

The TaLAI project kicked off with its inaugural partner gathering hosted by FAU-ILI in Germany. The primary aim of the meeting was to foster face-to-face interactions among partners, facilitating discussions on project tasks and ensuring a shared understanding of working packages. Key agenda items included agreeing upon the project's management and financial plan, establishing a communication strategy and visual identity, and outlining quality assurance and risk management protocols. Additionally, partners deliberated on environmental sustainability plans and defined research design and strategy. With a productive start, the TaLAI project is positioned to advance significantly in revolutionizing higher education through ethical AI integration.