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Sofiene Lassoued, M.Sc.

FB Elektrische Energietechnik

Soest FB EET Gebäude 4

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Curriculum Vitae

2022- present
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Soest, Deutschland
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Labor für Automatisierungstechnik und Lernsysteme.

2019 - 2022
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Soest, Deutschland
Master of Science in systems engineering and engineering management.

2016 - 2019
ALMES Poulina holding, Mateur , Tunisia
Mechanical Engineer / Technical manager.

2011 - 2016
National School of Engineers of Monastir ENIM, Monastir , Tunisia
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering .

Research Focus

Phd Thesis Topic : Interpretable Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Discrete Event Systems.

Our interest in this research is driven by the increasing demand for transparent and efficient real-time sequential decision-making processes in industrial environments. By integrating model-based reinforcement learning (RL) with explainable AI techniques, our objective is to enhance the interpretability of RL models. This, in turn, will foster trust and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks. Our approach addresses current challenges and paves the way for the broader adoption of machine learning in industrial settings, ultimately leading to safer and more efficient operations.

Industrial Projects

  • 2022-2024: aFSMCrane Project, Augmented Field Service Management for Cranes Projektziel ist die Entwicklung eines Field Service Management Systems (aFSMCrane) für Krananlagen, mit dem der Zustand am und um den Kran überwacht sowie passgenaue, softwaregestützte Services mit Augmented Reality (AR)-Unterstützung angeboten werden.